Refection /rəˈfekSH(ə)n/ : refreshment by food or drink
"I am ravenous" ... "Ok, I need your input" ... "one of those weeks" ... "How was work?" ... "Can I still eat it if it expired yesterday?" ...  
"I am ravenous" ... "Ok, I need your input" ... "one of those weeks" ... "How was work?" ... "Can I still eat it if it expired yesterday?" ... 

Welcome to Roomie Refection!

An unexpected moment of togetherness. It disrupts your singularity, but it doesn't bother you. Most days, you all operate on your own time tables. Like ships passing in the night from one thing to the next. For living in such close proximity, you barely see one another. It just so happens, on this blessed Tuesday night, you have all found yourselves in the kitchen at the same time. It was an unlikely meeting place. Leaning against the sink, stretched within the frame of the door, sat atop the counter, etc. These untraditional positions reflect the shared desire to be together. This moment reminicent of the circumstances that brought you all to this 866 sq ft apartment in the first place. They weren't your bestfriends, you all run in radically different social circles, but somehow they've skipped that stepped going from strangers to family. Tonight you all step into a lull of communion. Sacrificing the assignments, the laundry, and the binge-watching to be together.

Everyone lays down their crown of independence. The only autonomy we hold in this moment is the varying pasta-based concoctions you all make. You do bits. You become pop-culture theorists for a brief moment. You workshop your goals and dreams together. You process challenging times. You fantasize about your most recent obessesions. You resolve trauma. You make 5 year plans. You pitch a world-altering startup. You laugh freely & listen actively. This little shared corner of the city feels so very big tonight. You lose track of time with these built-in companions. You briefly reflect on the chaos and uncertainty that was landing decent roomates. It was so long and tiring that your only priority was finding people who could split the rent. They didn't need to be your bestfriends. You leaped at the first 2 people who expressed interest. The expectations were painfully low and controlled. However, your area of compromise turned into an area of blessing.

"Hey, what do you think about that idea?"
"Yeah! I'd love to make this a weekly thing."

drawing of humble stove with a pot boiling atop. kitchen utensils and cooking agents hanging from the shelves above


stove ticking

linoleum floors

talking over each other

maybe some tears

Major Themes

retro workplace
glamorous elderly woman sipping on a fancy beverage
witty cartoon
modern love
spotlight on a mic sitting on a stand in front of a velvet curtain
testing new material