Welcome to The Reception!

They are absolutely perfect for eachother in every way. We were all eagerly waiting for YEARS for him to finally get down on one knee. When he finally did, you've never felt happier for two people in your entire life. Of course until today. They are absolutely smitten. It was supposed to pour all afternoon, but with the powerful intercessors that make up the guest list, there wasn't a drop. You see the invitation stuck on your fridge for months come alive before your eyes. You look out at a sea of people who have loved these two people into loving eachother. It truly takes a village. The people at your table have been your friends for what feels like a lifetime. They have seen so much of you & yet you all never run out of things to say to eachother. You think of how much thought the bride and groom must have put into these seating assignments. Because, as chipper as it may be in your vecinity, gathering all of the people from every *very different* era of your life isn't a light task. Knowing the tender heart of the bride, & her desire to make everyone in her orbit feel comfortable, I can't fathom the mamny weeks of arranging sticky notes on a big white board. You all joyfully catch up, tip-toeing sround the more sensitive subjects as this is not the time nor place, but you can't help but peer over at the liquid dinner tablemate is having and you make a mental note to talk to them another day.
This particualr table is adorned with pale florals, cloth napkins, thrifted vases, mismatching plates, and vintage gold silverware. It's magnificient. Reflective of the life these two are about to build together. You wonder if they'll be taking all of this home to populate the new place. You go a little internal for a moment. Just a moment. You didn't bring a plus-one to this celebration. Not because you weren't asked! You were certainly consultued on the matter. But you seldom think of a plus-one you could have brought. Everyone you know is here. And there certainly aren't any prosopective bachelors in your life right now. You think about your wedding: Where will it be? Who will be there? Can you befriend a jazz band so that they'll play for free? And then you laugh at yourself for following this line of thought. You don't even have a plus-one yet! Let's reach that benchmark first. As you watch the next 10 years of your life unfold in your mind's eye, you hear a familiar voice. In the center of the room is the bride's father holding a microphone. The guests thought their tear-ducts were safe after the ceremony. They were very wrong. All of the customary dances are completed, and the dance floor is officially opened for busniess. You laugh, you scream, you sweat (far more than you thought possible), and everyone is merry. Drunk on love if you will. The night winds down, the ceremonial send-off sparkles before you, you lock eyes with your dear friends one more time as they begin the rest of their lives together. You walk to your car barfoot with heels in hand.

You can't even remember what food was served.
"Oh she looks stunning" ... "The line for the bathroom is crazy" ... *hysterical laughter* ... "I usually don't cry at these things" ... 
"Oh she looks stunning" ... "The line for the bathroom is crazy" ... *hysterical laughter* ... "I usually don't cry at these things" .... 


blaring sunshine

clinking glasses

familiar faces

"not crying"


Artifacts of


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